Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Wine? Heck no!

Well - we wanted some fresh juice around here. I was able to buy a case of purple grapes
for $5.00. So we went to town!

My Champion Juicer is a real Champion. I use it everyday now!

This fresh grape juice was so sweet and so delicious -
we had to add tons of water to it so that we could drink it.

Notice the bowl of pulp. I also kept every bit of the pulp. It tasted exactly like
grape jelly and we made sure that it didn't go to waste!

That's right - I put it in the Vita Mix and now it's drying in my Excalibur Dehydrator.
I find that I am using my dehydrator every day also. What a great blessing!
Anyone for real "grape fruit leather"!!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow, grape leather! You're so ingenious - I don't know where you come up with all these ideas! How do you do it?

6:11 PM

Blogger Judy Cozza Photography said...

I read a lot.
Then I make it up.
I surprise myself sometimes!
Go figure!

8:16 AM


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