Wednesday, April 05, 2006


We were dying to make french fries so we did. Jimmy is using a little mandolin
that we found at Big Lots for $4.00

Don't they really look like REAL FRENCH FRIES!! Look closer above. That's a
We sprinkled a little olive oil and cayenne pepper on them.

Of course we needed ketchup.
But how could we have THAT raw?

Oo- la - la - I used sun dried tomatoes, 1/4 cup apple cider vinegar, 1/4 c raisins
1/4 c onion powder and some salt. Forget the fries.....we wanted to just eat the
ketchup on a spoon.


Blogger Debbie said...

Can you describe the taste of a jicama? I have never had one before. Hard to believe they taste like a fry raw. Are they really that good? Gonna have to try them. Love this site!

3:25 PM

Blogger Judy Cozza Photography said...

Debbie Jicama is like a sweet juicy potato - only sweeter. It's crunchy and really very good. They didn't taste like a real french fry - they just looked like one. We picked up 2 or three at a time and spooned the ketchup on them. Knowing we were eating a "good for you" veggie - and the ketchup was divine. Usually we buy jicama and cut them into chunks and snack on them. This was just a fun way to eat them!

4:17 PM


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