These are some pretty good books to read if you want to know more about eating raw - and the recipes are very simple and fun to make. My first book was "EATING FOR BEAUTY" by David Wolfe. I was hooked from that book! ("Eating in the Raw" by Carol Alt. "The Complete Book of RAW FOOD " by Baird and "Living in the Raw" by Rose Lee Calabro)
After reading the book ALKALIZE OR DIE - I was so happy to know that eating fruits and vegetables was helping to keep us alkalized. All meat is acidic and bacteria and diseases live in an acidic environment. My husband had been diagnosed with Parkinson's Disease and we needed all the help we could get. These are great books to read to get the idea of eating more fruits and vegetable and very little meat. Staying alkalized is not as hard as we thought!
This was a book I just happened to find one day in the blue. It is the truth about TRANS FATS and it teaches you how to read labels. Basically, though, if you eat more fruits and vegetables and less packaged foods or "fast foods" you won't have to worry about eating Trans Fats. Trans Fats or (hydrogenated oils) are PLASTIC FAT AND SUGAR and the worse fats in the history of the human race. All experts agree that this is a "for sure" way to have a heart attack. It's fake fat and your body doesn't know what to do with it. Now - for the rest of the book. I hate it. His focus was really on trans fats (which was great) - but the recipes in the book have both white flour and white sugar - so he is very uneducated on free radicals in white products. That's okay though - I learned about trans fats! I hated the rest of this book. DON'T use his recipes. Ugh.
I am not a person who believes that just because your blood type is A positive that you will love tofu. I do not believe that everyone who has the blood type of O positive is allergic to wheat.
BUT THIS IS WHAT I DID opened my eyes that SOME of it might be true. So I put some of the products to the test. And some of the food listed for our blood type was actually true. Just be cautious and don't believe everything you read though. The China Study doesn't like this book at all. I found it to be greatly beneficial on the "wheat" factor - so we eat only sprouted wheat or brown rice products occasionally.
I could go on and on about books because I read about 2 hours everyday. I'll stop here at the GREEN FOR LIFE book though. Oo - la - la. It's a great book to tell you how important GREENS are and why. Tons of green smoothie and green drinks in the back of the book. I really loved this book and read it in about an hour.
Email me books about health that you have found to be terrific. I'll tell you if I have ever read them before. I'll do a review on it if I have! Thanks for your support. Happy reading!