Monday, March 06, 2006

Homemade Cookies

Okay - we got a sweet tooth last night. I decided to make Jim's favorite oatmeal raisin cookie and my peanut butter ones - so here ya go! It sounds wierd that we are eating RAW COOKIE DOUGH but it always tasted better raw when we were kids - right? - and now it's GOOD FOR YOU! Go figure! I got these recipes from Rachel Talley in Utah!

Oatmeal Raisin
2 c ground raisins
2 c rolled oats (and I added barley oats too)
1/2 c walnuts
touch of sea salt
1/2 tsp each cinnamon & nutmeg
a dash of maple syrup
Grind or mix all together. Roll into small balls and flatten. I got my hands wet
so it didn't stick to my hands. Put them in the dehydrator for about an hour. You want
the outside to be like a cookie - but you want the inside to be soft!

Peanut Butter Cookies
1 cup organic raw peanut butter
2 cups rolled oats (and I added barley too)
touch of sea salt
1 cups chopped dates
a dash of maple syrup
Grind or mix all together. Roll into small balls and flatten. Get your hands wet so
it doesn't stick. After you put it on the dehydrator - use a fork so it looks like an original
peanut butter cookie. Only for about an hour.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is a great blog!!! I heard about it at Rachel's class tonight...cute grandbaby by the way! I really like all the photos. Your recipes look really tasty. I'm going to try some tomorrow. My husband and I are raw, but not our 5 kids. Hey, are you really getting veggies out of your garden already??? I would love to know about that.

Keep up the great blog!!!


11:35 PM


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