Saturday, March 04, 2006

Nutty Meatballs

I know that I have been sending you the totally finished product but this time Jacob wanted to help me and I took it as a time to show you how we did it.

Meatballs (from Rachel Talley's recipes)
We soaked 1 cup each - almonds, sunflower seeds and brazil nuts forabout 6 hours. Drained them but kept some of the liquid and put them into the foodprocessor. Added fresh garlic, onion and spices and a little bit ofwater. You see the raw meatballs - white. We put them in the dehydrator over night for about 7 hours at 105 degrees. I can't keep Jim Cozza out of them this morning. Joey ate 4 with ketchup. They are incredibly wonderful. Tonight we'll make a fresh sauce to put over them. Just wanted you to be hungry all day!


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